The most influential network in Tampere region
The Tampere CCI is the only independent organization advocating for the entire Tampere region business community.
As an active regional advocate the Tampere CCI focuses on improving business conditions through its advocacy efforts.
Emphasizing a strong local presence.
An active advocate in Tampere region
Key advocacy tools include the Advocacy Plan, committee work, and various reports and publications. Tampere CCI also engages in advocacy by actively representing and advising the business community in various organizations and working groups. More details on our advocacy goals can be found in our strategy.
The Chamber regularly organizes advocacy focused events.
Check our event calendar for upcoming events!
Advocacy Plan 2025
The advocacy plan is published at the beginning of each year, outlining the advocacy goals and priorities of Tampere CCI.
It is developed in collaboration with the Chamber’s committee members. The process begins with a broad survey to identify key advocacy topics, followed by refinement with committee members. Tampere CCI's board approves the final plan at the turn of the year.
Since 2007, the Advocacy plan has been published as a separate printed report.
Surveys and reports
The most significant survey is the Tampere region business barometer, conducted twice a year to assess the development of businesses' performance, workforce, investments, and exports compared to the previous period. Each year, 10–15 surveys are conducted, many in collaboration with other chambers of commerce. Some surveys are also carried out in partnership with media and other stakeholders. Pikakyselypalvelu
Statements and commitments
The Tampere CCI is an independent organization advocating for the interests of the entire Tampere region. Key advocacy tools include committee work, reports, and publications. The Chamber also actively represents and advises the business community in various organizations and working groups.
As part of its collaboration with different organizations—or independently— Tampere CCI issues statements and commitment papers on key business and economic matters.