
Tampere CCI is part of a global network of over 12,000 chambers of commerce worldwide.

Chambers connect their members to international markets and support business internationalization through diverse training programs and networking events.

The Chamber is also a recognized authority for issuing and certifying foreign trade documents.

International Chamber of Commerce network

The FinnCham network, managed by the Finland Chamber of Commerce, supports the internationalization and exports of SMEs and oversees 15 bilateral trade associations. FinnCham-verkosto tukee pk-yritysten kansainvälistymistä ja vientiä. Keskuskauppakamari hallinnoi 15 erilaista kahdenvälistä kauppayhdistystä.

Tampere CCI is a member of EastCham Finland, the Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce (FINSVE), and the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce (AHK), as well as several other international organizations through the Finland Chamber of Commerce. EastCham Finland​​​​​​​, suomalais-ruotsalaisen (FINSVE) ja saksalais-suomalaisen (AHK) kauppakamarin jäsen sekä useiden kansainvälisten järjestöjen jäsen keskuskauppakamarin kautta.

What are the key requirements for internationalization?

Successful internationalization requires reliable networks and strong international business expertise.
Tampere CCI supports numerous companies in their global expansion through international organizations and partnerships. Additionally, the Chamber promotes internationalization by offering networking services and high-quality training programs.

Key international organizations

As part of its international advocacy, the chamber network works to remove trade barriers within the European Union and global organizations.

ICC:n verkkokaupasta The ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) online store provides guides, contract templates, and instructions for international trade. Tampere CCI members receive a 5% discount on purchases.

As a Member of Tampere CCI, you get support for internationalization!

The Tampere CCI provides its members with valuable networks and global connections to support international expansion. We also offer diverse training programs, market insights, and networking events to help you gain the necessary skills and contacts for global growth.

Our international network includes organizations and trade associations worldwide, allowing us to assist businesses in overcoming internationalization barriers in multiple target markets.

Three reasons for internationalizing businesses to join the Tampere CCI:

  1. Global networks and networking services
  2. High-quality training events to strengthen expertise
  3. Expert support (export documents, legal advice, consulting, and more!)

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