TCCI in short
A regional organization advocating for businesses. Our task is to promote entrepreneurship, healthy competition, internationalization and market economy.
There are 19 chambers of commerce in Finland, and the Finland Chamber of Commerce acts as their joint body.
TCCI operates in Tampere region and represents companies of all sizes and all industries.
The most influential network in Tampere region
TCCI is a business advocacy and service organization in Tampere region, promoting entrepreneurship, fair competition, internationalization, and cooperation with authorities. Founded under the Chamber of Commerce Act (878/2002), it has over 2,000 member companies from various industries. kauppakamarilakiin 878/2002.
Membership is voluntary, and the operations are funded by membership fees and paid services. The Chamber organizes networking events, training events, and business services. Advocacy priorities are set annually with committee representatives.
Operations and tasks
Our objective is to improve the competitiveness of businesses in Tampere region by offering advocacy channels, training events, business contacts and useful information to support business operations.
TCCI has more than 2,000 businesses and associations as members. In addition, our network includes, universities and schools in the region, as well as many municipalities.
Authoritative tasks
TCCI performs the public tasks assigned to it in the Chamber of Commerce Act, i.e. confirming and issuing foreign trade documents. TCCI issues ATA Carnet customs documents and EU certificates of origin as well as validates other foreign trade documents.
Training events
TCCI offers training events in subjects such as financial management, taxation, foreign trade and management. The national Certified Board Member (CBM) training program developed by the TCCI and Hallituspartnerit ry offers a versatile combination for the development of board and strategy work.
Members can acquire most of our paid services at a more affordable membership price. Please note, that at the moment most of our services are in Finnish.
TCCI in numbers
About 2200 members
Henkilöstö 16
Over 300 committee members
Board and 11 committees
Over 2500 participants in our events annually